




Accessing Status Bar Orientation in PiP Mode for VoIP Apps
I am a VoIP app developer currently working on the Picture-in-Picture (PiP) mode. To ensure the video always appears correctly oriented, I need to obtain rotation information when the device rotates. When the app is in the foreground, I can use [UIDevice currentDevice].orientation to retrieve this value and adjust the video accordingly. However, in PiP mode, my app moves to the background, and this API does not function as expected. Similarly, interfaceOrientation of UIWindowScene and [UIApplication sharedApplication].statusBarOrientation do not work in the background. Is there a way to obtain the orientation information of the system status bar when my app enters the background in PiP mode? Thank you in advance.
Jun ’24
CAMetalLayer VS AVSampleBufferDisplayLayer ( gpu usage, performance, ...)
I am a VOIP app developer. I am planning to develop a VOIP app on iOS using WebRTC that operates in PiP (Picture-in-Picture) mode. Since MTKView (CAMetalLayer) cannot be used in PiP mode, I am considering using AVSampleBufferDisplayLayer. Regarding this, I am curious about the performance differences between CAMetalLayer and AVSampleBufferDisplayLayer. As far as I know, CAMetalLayer utilizes the GPU. Does AVSampleBufferDisplayLayer also render using the GPU? If AVSampleBufferDisplayLayer renders using the GPU, will the rendering performance be similar? => Based on tests, there seems to be no difference in CPU usage between the two, which leads me to speculate that AVSampleBufferDisplayLayer also uses the GPU. If both use the GPU and there are no performance differences, is there a significant advantage to using CAMetalLayer? Thank you in advance.
May ’24
fail to connect using BSD socket api on IPV6 only network in iOS, if does not bind specific ineterface local address.
my client application always fail to connect using BSD socket api on ipv6-only network in iOS. bsd socket api connect fuction always return failure with 65(no route to host) but if bind socket using specific interface address(en0/ipv6), always succeed to connect. fail case : try to connect without binding. try to connect after binding using "::" , "0:0:0:0:0:0:0": success case: try to connect after biding using (en0/ipv6) local address (ex 2404:xxxx:fce:4551:xxxx:79c7:xxxx:xxxx) Does anyone know fail to connect on ipv6 only in iOS if does not bind specific interface local address.
Aug ’21